
Last update 2013/05/27

11) Fukusaki, Eiichiro; Kobayashi, Akio. Down regulation of specific gene homologues by means of 3'-UTR targeting RNA interference and its application for plant metabolic modulation. Biotechnology for Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources in the Tropics (2004), 17 353-358.

10) Kazuo Harada, E., i. Fukusaki, T. Bamba, and A. Kobayashi. In vivo 15N-Enrichment of Metabolites in Arabidopsis cultured cell T87 and its application to metabolomics. in 6th Annual Plant Sciences Institute Symposium titled "3rd International Congress on Plant Metabolomics". 2004. Ames, Iowa, USA.

9) Bamba, T., E. Fukusaki, Y. Nakazawa, and A. Kobayashi. In situ localization of polyisoprene in a rubber producing plant, Eucommia ulmoides Oliver. in Proceedings - Plant Growth Regulation Society of America. 2003. Vancouver, Canada.

8) Fukusaki, E. and A. Kobayashi. Acquisition of functional single strand DNA by SELEX screening. in The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. 2002. Orland, Florida, USA.

7) Eiichiro, F. and K. Akio. Biosynthestic Study of trans-Rubber producting plant. in ASIAN CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY IN INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT. 2002. Padang, Indonesia.

6) Eiichiro, F. and K. Akio. Biosynthetic study on rubber producing plant. in BioThailand 2001. 2001. Bangkok, Thailand.

5) Eiichiro, F., T. Shiraishi, and K. Akio. Formic acid acts as a scavenger for radicals which are formed uneder light-induced oxidative conditions. in 17th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances. 2001. Brno, Czech Republic.

4) Shiraishi, T., E. Fukusaki, and A. Kobayashi. Positive effects of C1-pollutants on plant physiology (Growth stimulation by formate). in The fifth International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. 2000. Kyoto, Japan.

3) Fukusaki, E., T. Shiraishi, and A. Kobayashi. Positive effects of C1-pollutants on plant physiology (Protecting effects of methanol and formate on photo oxidative damage). in The fifth International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. 2000. Kyoto, Japan.

2) Eiichiro, F. and K. Akio. Combinatorial Bioengineering to acquire specific ligands to bioactive materials. in International Symposium on The Role of Chemsitry in Industry and Environment. 2000. Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia.

1) Kobayashi, A., E. Fukusaki, and S. Kajiyama, "Bioactive potentiality of products derived from natural simple phenolics." Plant Perodidase Biochem. Physiol.: 292-297.(1996)